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Home/Fibre & Supplies/Big Beautiful Batts!
Big Beautiful Batts -490grms – including shipping! (Copy)
Hand carded on a fine carding cloth. The fibre is hand-dyed and prepared specifically so that spinners and felters alike will have a rewarding experience.
This batt is formed by layers of wool and silk.
When you receive your batt, open the package and tip the contents out onto a table then walk away. I know it’s tempting but give the fibre time to bloom again. It’s been a little smooshed in the package so I could send it through the mail and include postage as part of the price. This is created from natural fibre and it will bounce back. Once it has poofed up (technical term) unfold it and see the delight that awaits you. I will have a YouTube video showing you how to get the most out of your batt very soon!
1 in stock
These BIG batts have been carded on a Fancy Kitty Big Tom carder hence the weight!
If you spin singles, you can plan for a lot of meterage, but you could also ply with a complementary colour to make it go further.
It consists of hand-washed fleece, triple-carded Corriedale, fine layers of multi-coloured hand-dyed wool, and silk, all processed for a smooth spin.
There are four batts in total adding up to the weight. You can choose the thickness of yarn you spin as the open fibre will lend itself to any draft.